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Our app supports independent living by bringing everyone involved in health care, social care, informal family care and professional care together in one place. There is simply no need to juggle multiple apps and passwords anymore.

Who is this app for?

Our app can be used by the family, friends and healthcare professionals of someone who wants to keep their independence but might benefit from others being able to monitor, co-ordinate and communicate with one another to support their care. We have made it easy to use, it's just like using your TV remote control!

Healthcare Practitioners can benefit from Thriving as they can know, with just a glance, who needs to be seen first and can communicate with them in real time to  improve efficiency and productivity, as well as the quality of care. (AI for routing not released as yet)

 With our app, businesses can provide employees with access to their care recipients needs on the go which can improve employee productivity and retention. They can show industry leadership by proactively supporting their workforce’s family care needs, such as adding it to their existing wellbeing package.

Excellent Features

The Thriving app has many useful features that support the care an independent adult might need. Here are just a few:

Mood Check In – Track an individual’s mood in realtime so you can offer the correct support when needed. You can check in on how circle members are doing at any time. Receive inspirational quotes to enhance a positive outlook on life.

Care Circles – These circles of care can include family, friends, doctors and carers to ensure that everybody is on the same page when it comes to your loved one’s care needs.

Communication – Gone are the days of multiple apps and passwords confusing people and causing vital information to get lost. Our one tap, in-app communication system is to thank for that.

So, now you know a little more about how everyone involved in your circle of care can benefit from our app, join our Facebook focus group today to unlock exclusive free use of the app for a whole year!


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